Hilarious And Bizarre Construction Fails
1 Garage Gap

The good thing about having a garage is that you can put your car in it to protect it from the weather. But it seems to us that with this garage, only a monster truck could be able to clear that enormous drop.
Whoever designed this garage didn’t really think things through. That’s quite a gap between the garage and the driveway. Even if the person is using the garage to store something other than a car, he or she has definitely missed the step a few times.
2 Handrail Fail

A railing is absolutely necessary when there are steps in a public area. After all, it’s a safety issue, and we don’t mess around with that! This railing, however, is not quite what one would call a really optimal one.
On the contrary, this railing placed in front of a door is quite a design flaw. Hopefully, no one ever needs to exit from behind that door quickly. Or, in fact, exit from there at all. We hope they fired whoever installed that handrail.
3 No Reworking The Plans
It takes a certain amount of problem-solving skills to fix obstacles that pop up during construction. After all, construction contingencies are extremely common. For example, let’s say that a window blocks the placement of a pole.
What’s a builder to do in that situation? It would probably be better to rework the plans, don’t you think? But why bothering with all that since it would be a lot of additional work? Just shove the pole through the window. Problem solved.
4 The Worst Playground
This has got to be the most dangerous playground in the history of all playgrounds. Here, child safety was clearly not a priority. Nothing like sliding directly into a tree trunk to ruin a perfectly fun day at the park.
That see-saw doesn’t look any safer to us. Between hitting the ground hard, gliding or hitting a tree, the risks seem very numerous. Nobody is having fun at this playground. Please don’t bring your children to play there, find a safer park.
5 The Electric Toilet

An electrical outlet in the bathroom is always convenient. Many personal hygiene appliances run on electricity, after all! But whatever genius placed an electrical outlet on the back of this toilet seat needs to rethink their life choices.
There is absolutely no way this electric outlet is safe. Anyone who uses this outlet could be in for a real shock. Or maybe it’s just a prank to scare people? After all, one wonders how electricity could possibly get into the toilet lid. It’s all very strange.
6 Goofy Gate

When installing a fence, it is normal to want to cover absolutely the entire width of the space you want to fence, it is logical. But sometimes the situation complicates the plans a bit. Whoever installed this gate didn’t have the best decision-making skills.
Clearly, a choice was made when they realized the hill was in the way, and it was obviously not to give up installing the third panel of the fence. It doesn’t take a genius to see that they went in the wrong direction.
7 Escalator To Nowhere

Nothing like unsuspectingly taking a ride on an escalator only to smack right into a wall at the top. How did this monstrosity even end up being built? Would this be a trap for kids who keep going up and down the escalators for the sheer fun of it?
In any case, you better stretch out before you step on this escalator because you’ll be jumping over that railing at the top. Or, practice your cardio because you’ll have to walk down them against the current by going faster than the steps!
8 Tree Mishap

Trees are necessary for the survival of our ecosystem, and besides, a tree is beautiful! If possible, we would never want to have to cut them down. Even if the tree in question is in a very inconvenient place.
Anyway, the perfect place for a tree is right in the middle of the driveway, isn’t it? It won’t get in the way at all, we promise you. Hopefully, though, this home-owner doesn’t need access to their garage with their car.
9 Kitchen Potty

Have you ever been cooking dinner when you suddenly had to go to the bathroom, but you can’t leave your food unattended for a second? This house has the perfect solution by putting the restroom right in the kitchen.
Now you can continue to stir your sauce, which may stick at any time, even if you really need to go to the bathroom. Isn’t that the best of all worlds? But no kidding, is this even legal? It doesn’t seem sanitary to us at all.
10 That’s One Way To Fix It

Accidentally installed the toilet too close to the door? The most logical step would be to move the toilet so that the door can properly close. Whose idea was it to just cut out the shape of the bowl from the door?
That person is simply crazy. How many times do we have to say that it’s important to take measurements before installing anything? Cutting a hole in a door to “fix” a mistake is never the right solution. Come on!
11 Pole Position

The city planner who approved the placement of this pole must have been drunk or something. And the construction workers who placed it there must have been drunk or something, too. We feel slightly drunk just looking at it!
Frankly, we have rarely seen anything so dangerous. Imagine passing through there for the first time? Watch out for the road, because you might just hit it head on! And even someone who is used to this road, the right lane is completely unusable at this point!
12 No Parking
The individual who designed this parking lot had to work around a few trees. We get that it’s good to preserve nature; we love trees too! But this doesn’t seem like the best solution to their problem, here.
There must have been a stand-off, and clearly, the trees won. It’s their parking lot now, not ours. Again, nature takes back its rights, and we can’t blame her. After all, cars contribute to the poor health of our planet.
13 Nailed It

This staircase that leads absolutely nowhere raises many questions. Who installed this thing? Who approve of the placement? Is it supposed to be an emergency exit? We may never know the answers to these burning questions.
It seems to us, however, that the basic thing to do is to install a spiral staircase so that each landing reaches the height of the doors of the building. Construction 101, isn’t it? Clearly, this is not safe. Someone is in trouble for sure.
14 Too Close For Comfort

The award for the worst bathroom design goes to whoever planned this questionable setup. Why would anyone want to do their business with another person so close to them in the bathroom? This is not how we prefer to make new friends.
We wouldn’t even want to relieve ourselves there with our significant other, it’s one step too intimate for us. So imagine with a complete stranger! Someone has completely forgotten to think here. Or put up some walls, at least.
15 Worst Seat In The House

Nothing like spending a fun day at the ballpark, don’t you agree? This is a great way to have a good time with family and friends. However, for a few people, the experience doesn’t seem quite the same for all spectators at this stadium.
Despite the special seat reserved for him, Jimmy looks really happy to be there. The large metal pillar blocking his view doesn’t seem to spoil his moment at all. Watching the game is so overrated, anyway. Jimmy can have fun in all situations.
16 Lazy Line

This next one on the list is the epitome of lazy workmanship. You know, the kind of person who really doesn’t want to work and doesn’t hide it at all? Well, the person who painted that stripe had to decide how to handle a tree branch that blocked the road.
Obviously, the logical thing to do here—and the only acceptable one, let’s be honest—would have been to scoot that tree branch out of the way to be able to make a nice straight line, but hey, I guess this solution works too.
17 Bad Bike-Lane

Several cities all around the world offer bike lanes for for those who wish to travel by bicycle in a safe manner, and this city tried really hard to accommodate them. Something just doesn’t seem right about the signage on this one, though.
If bikers follow the path laid out before them, then they will totally crash into that pole. This is not a safe bike path at all, in our opinion! At this point, it would be almost less dangerous to ride directly on the street with cars.
18 Another Useless Door

Is installing a door that leads to a dangerous drop-off a thing? In a restaurant, moreover, in order to be sure that there are spectators in the event that something bad happens? In any case, this restaurant doesn’t seem too concerned with anyone falling out of that door.
We would not want to be seated at the table beneath it, though. And honestly, potentially at any table in this restaurant at all! Not only do we not want to get anything or anyone on our heads, but we also don’t want to witness such an event happening to another person!
19 Notice No Fence

A fence is a safety feature on many occasions, which is why, as a general rule, when there is a fence, it is best to keep the gate closed at all times. This entire scene, though, seems to us like an exercise in futility.
This poor gate serves no purpose since there is no fence surrounding it. Perhaps even more worthless is the notice demanding that people keep the gate “closed and locked”. One wonders what this gate can be used for, except to confuse the passers-by.
20 No Privacy

This is absolutely not the apartment complex for you if you prefer not to have people staring directly into your home, and also if you like a little privacy when you enjoy the nice weather on your balcony. Why did they even bother installing balconies?
It is useless to think that you will enjoy the sun by going on your balcony, because they are so close to the balconies of the building next door that absolutely no rays can reach you. This is, with no doubt, a massive design fail!
21 Stay Off The Path

It doesn’t take a brainiac to see that someone installed this fence all wrong. That seems pretty obvious to us. Wouldn’t you say the same? Unless, of course, they want people to stay off the cement path and stomp through the grass instead.
If that’s the case, they did an excellent job. But then, other questions would come to mind. If they want people to stay off the cement path and walk on the grass to get through the fence, why did they build a cement path in the first place?
22 Staircase Bathroom

It can be a challenge to find space for a bathroom in a tiny apartment. We understand that completely. Unfortunately, a toilet is an essential element that you cannot do without. So all it takes is a bit of ingenuity to get the job done.
Of course, the landing of a staircase is the perfect place to put a restroom. There is no need to ask, there is absolutely nothing strange about this at all. Don’t you agree? No? Would you be uncomfortable using this toilet? Oh, well…
23 Mind Your Head

This has got to be one of the most dangerous playground on earth. We can only guess how many poor children smacked their heads hard against the wall while playing on this twirly, unsafe piece of equipment. Ouch!
Someone really needs to put a caution sign on that particular game, or better yet, remove it completely and move it to a safer location. After all, kids could have fun with this game if there wasn’t a cement wall in the way!
24 Uneven Doors

This staircase is clearly a descent into madness, and those doors probably lead to hell. The devil himself must have performed the construction of that part of the building. No one who is psychologically healthy would voluntarily do something like that.
Really, we see no other logical explanation for something like this to happen. Doors placed in such a crooked way at the bottom of the stairs is enough to frighten absolutely anyone in his right mind. Perfectionists, beware!
25 Pointless Balcony

There’s nothing like a balcony to bring up the value of a building. After all, everyone likes to be able to go out and enjoy the weather in the comfort of their own home, on a balcony! That is, of course, when the balcony has a door or any way to access it.
Then it’s just an advertisement of how stupid the landlord is, and we are not sure that this is a positive point to live in this building. In fact, it would be quite the opposite! What else was poorly constructed in there? What bad surprises await us?
26 No Sitting

Someone posted this pic on social media of the sitting area of a hotel they stayed at. We would totally ask the front desk for a ladder to get up there. This place actually looks quite pleasant, and you can be sure not to be disturbed!
But we still hope that this hotel has another more accessible sitting area, because despite everything, this sitting area seems a bit ridiculous to us. Seriously, what was the owner of this hotel thinking when he put those chairs up there?
27 Toilet Building

The architect who designed this building really should have asked for a second opinion. Weren’t any of their co-workers brave enough to tell them that the building really looked like a huge toilet? There is no chance of not realizing this.
They should at least have flushed the blueprints! This strange building is in fact the North China of Water Conservancy and Electric Power and it is situated in the city of Henan. The strangest thing is that this building could be built despite the Chinese law according to which it is forbidden to build “weird buildings”!
28 Handicap Rails

It is a matter of inclusion and respect to make a building accessible to those in a wheelchair, and we are even more aware of this today. However, someone didn’t get the memo when it came time to build that ramp.
Who are we kidding, right? This seems like a totally safe option for people in wheelchairs. It doesn’t look terrifying at all, don’t you agree? Going down the stairs is definitively an extreme sport for handicapped people in this town.
29 Door To Nowhere

While the lack of a step on the second floor door can be dangerous if forgotten, imagine that of the second floor door! Talk about a safety hazard. That second-story door leading to nothing is only an accident just waiting to happen.
That first step is a doozy! We hope very much that this door is completely barricaded from the inside, inaccessible, and that it is pretty clear that nobody should ever, under any circumstances, open it. Seriously, where is the balcony that should go with this door?
30 Ceiling Fan Fail

This is an example of a constructor fail that has us scratching our heads. How could anyone install that ceiling fan and not notice the huge pillar next to it? It’s a good thing they have another fan on the wall because this one is useless.
What was the purpose of this fan when they first decided to install it? Clearly not to ventilate, because for that it would have to be able to turn, which it is not. So this fan is just a decorative accessory? Really? That is so strange.
31 Peek-A-Boo

The placement of this clock is highly perplexing, and we have a few questions to ask about it. Which was there first, the clock or the wall? Is it perpetually 4:00 since the hands can’t move? We’ve heard of cutting time in half, but this is ridiculous.
Or does the clock work, and it is a strange concept to make people understand that they can only be outside for a specific period of time? “When you can’t see the minutes hand anymore, it’s time to go inside!” It doesn’t seem like the easiest method to us.
32 Obstructed Window
Looking for a new apartment? This might just be the place for you. Especially if you prefer obstructed views and horrible lighting. But anyway, who wants that much light in their apartment? The light is so overrated, these days.
This is yet another example of shoddy construction. Whoever built this building needs to have their eyes checked. How can you have diplomas and building permits when you can’t even realize that building a wall in front of a window is not something you should do?
33 Top Drawer

When it comes to storage in this bathroom, the top drawer is a doozy. Whoever installed this cabinet system is totally incompetent. Everyone likes to have several cabinets and drawers to store their things, but you still have to be able to use them.
In this particular case, there is absolutely no way to make use of that drawer unless you’re a giant with tiny hands. Maybe we are wrong, but we strongly suspect that this drawer is not used by the people who live there.
34 Out Of Reach

Pay phones are becoming rare nowadays, due to the multiplication of portable means of communication, including cell phones, but sometimes it is still possible to need to use a pay phone. But here we have a public payphone designed with tall people in mind.
Sorry shorties, but this pay phone isn’t meant for you to use. All this lady has to do to make a phone call is toss that bag on the ground and use it to boost herself up. But honestly, even with the help of the bag, it is doubtful that she can make it to the phone.
35 Split Decision

We’ve heard of a split air conditioning system, but something tells us this wasn’t exactly what they had in mind when they asked for one. We would love to know the thought process behind this, because the person who installed this air conditioner definitely had some explaining to do.
It seems like an absurd solution to the problem. We understand the desire to air condition two different rooms, but we are not at all convinced that this is a good solution. At least the initial goal seems to have been achieved. We might as well look on the bright side!
36 You Had One Job

Somewhere along the way, things went very wrong during the building of this brick pillar. It’s important to have good problem-solving skills when performing construction, and it probably would have served well here.
Unfortunately, the brick-layer lacked so many skills. One or more steps seem to have been forgotten before starting the construction of this brick wall. For example, some calculations that would have made this pillar straight.
37 Mixed Messages
This has got to be one of the most confusing intersection we ever seen. Do we have to turn left or right at the end of this road? Not only does the writing on the ground contradict itself because the wrong direction has not been erased, but the signs also contradict each other.
The two signs on either side of the road say to turn left while another sign just across the road seems to indicate that, on the contrary, you should not turn left. Fortunately, a car on the perpendicular road seems to confirm that you should indeed go left, but let’s hope this car hadn’t been fooled by another intersection as confusing as this one!
38 The Perfect Fit
When doing some construction or renovation, it’s really important to consider every possible detail, because sometimes, the minor details sometimes go noticed. Like if the door to the meter room will actually close.
A door that doesn’t close is not very practical, but exposing your meters in broad daylight is not very pretty. So, the crew made a creative decision when faced with the problem and simply cut holes in the door. Measuring your work is so overrated.
39 My Humble Abode

Who really needs some kind of privacy? It all depends on the situation, perhaps. But when in the bathroom, it’s definitely optional. What’s better than doing your business in front of every guest in your house? Absolutely nothing!
Clearly, everyone wants to hear (and smell) what’s going on in there. After all, there’s nothing more natural, so why hide and pretend it doesn’t exist? This way, there’s nothing left to the imagination, and everyone learns to live in peace with their body.
40 Easy Access

What could be more uncomfortable than going to the bathroom to realize that we have to contort ourselves and turn our trunk 180° to reach the famous toilet paper roll? It’s not pleasant for anyone, especially for those who have the flexibility of a 2×4.
This design is definitely the perfect solution for anyone who is tired of trying to reach for toilet paper. It really is an exhausting task that we don’t need in our lives. With this toilet, you can easily access the toilet paper with no effort at all.
41 What’s Behind The Wall

Looking for a new house? You might be concerned with finding a layout that suits your style. After all, a home is the biggest purchase you’ll ever make, and it’s likely that your goal is to stay there for many years. So it’s essential that you like your home!
Well, this home certainly has a unique style of its own, which may not necessarily be suitable for everyone. If you’re tired of your refrigerator actually being in the kitchen, though, this home is for you! Your refrigerator will finally have its own little quiet corner.
42 Do Your Business

Who doesn’t love some convenience? You’d be a fool to say that you don’t. Everyone likes to be able to avoid headaches, and thus, make life easier. And let’s be honest, the convenience factor of this bathroom is through the roof.
You can do your business and wash your hands simultaneously! So if you accidentally put your hand in something unwanted, for example, you can wash up right away! This saves you time, discomfort, and effort at the same time!
43 Asking For It

The person who proudly shared this image on social media wrote in the caption, “Slowly remodeling…not gonna lie, I’m in LOVE with this sink!” Are you in love with this sink? Are you really? For one obvious reason, we doubt it very much.
We don’t think that this person has taken the time to actually think this through. The setup of this sink isn’t exactly “safe” and most likely isn’t up to any code standards. Maybe they should rethink this and change some things.
44 Business With Friends

We know it’s an unspoken rule that men should never use the urinal right next to someone else. It’s just a matter of principle. Everyone likes a minimum of privacy, and it’s strange that someone would want to relieve oneself next to you when other urinals are available.
However, with these urinals, you never have to worry about accidentally standing next to someone else… Because you literally have no choice! Forget about your privacy, because not only will you be next to each other, but parts of your bodies may be touching while you are doing what you’re there to do!
45 The Door To Nowhere

Seriously, you don’t need that door. Is there some kind of invisible balcony that the door leads to? Or does the person who decided to put it there just love doors that much that they think it’s a beautiful and original decoration?
This person definitely needs to have the ambulance on speed dial, because you never know what could happen. We just hope someone thought to block access to this door from the inside, because it makes us pretty nervous!
46 Don’t Mind Me

We’ve all had that overwhelming urge to use the bathroom, but the toilet is just too far away. This feeling is so scary and panic-inducing! Si much that those extra steps to reach the bathroom are detrimental, you need the toilet now!
Judging by the numerous stains on the carpet, this person had an accident one too many times, and they finally had enough. They decided to place a toilet exactly where they always take a turn for the worse. No more little accident!
47 Just Fill It In

I know you said you wanted this specific tile placed as the backsplash, but we ran out. So, we just made do with what we had. We filled in the space with the same color tile! We know it’s not the same shape, but it’s close enough. Right?
You can hardly tell the difference! Frankly… someone here doesn’t like their job, or is just plain lazy. There has been a flagrant lack of rigor here! In the end, it would have been better to leave the space around the electrical outlet empty rather than trying to camouflage it with small ceramic squares.
48 Don’t Block The Blade

Ceiling fans are vital in keeping your home cool on hot days. It’s efficient and costs less than an air conditioner! But to get all the benefits, it is important to make sure nothing gets in the way of the blades! If they can’t turn, your goal won’t be achieved.
And that is even if you do have a support beam in the middle of the room. If you absolutely cannot put your ceiling fan in another location, then just cut a chunk of the support beam out, what’s the worst that could happen?
49 Tight Squeeze

Some strange people like to have space to wash their hands after they use the bathroom. But oh no, not this person. This person thinks they are weirdos. This person obviously dislikes comfort and considers it a luxury that is absolutely not essential.
Space for them is just as useless as hand soap, because when you look at this picture, you can see they obviously have neither. On the bright side, however, the space in this bathroom is definitely optimized. All the space is used!
50 You Don’t Need That Door

Whatever contractor told this person that they needed two French doors for their front entrance definitely scammed them. The front looks great and all, but what happens when you open those doors? You have nowhere to go!
We understand the importance of symmetry in the visual appeal of a property, but there are limits to building a door for nothing! You have to make a choice: the second door or the staircase directly in the vestibule? You can’t have both.
51 Close Enough

We can never have enough storage in a room, so the more cabinets and drawers, the happier we are. It’s important to measure the space when installing office equipment, though. If not, you could be in for some nasty surprises.
Someone threw caution to the wind and just went for it in this case, surely without thinking. Good luck getting those drawers to open. One really wonders what went through the mind of the person who installed this piece of furniture.
52 Don’t Have A Seat

What could be better than taking a walk along the water’s edge, then taking a short break to admire the landscape and recharge your batteries? To do this, however, being able to sit on a bench is always appreciated.
Whoever built this railing directly across this bench should be fired immediately. Don’t even think about taking a seat to enjoy the view at this beach. We’re not sure why this bench is being punished, but it appears to be in “time out”.
53 Is It Like Gate 9 3/4?

Stairs that lead nowhere are obviously in fashion in construction. Indeed, we have several examples of them now. But why? Did they used to lead somewhere, and they decided to condemn the access by building a wall?
These stairs lead directly to a brick wall. Could it be a kind of Gate 9 3/4 like in Harry Potter? If you go down the stairs with a determined step, you pass through the wall and you find yourself in a magical world?
54 Smallest Bathroom Ever

In a bathroom, the most important thing is to be able to go to the toilet, right? After that, all the rest—a sink, a bath, a shower, or even just space and room to breathe, really—is superfluous. Well, okay, we know that there are some places with a toilet in one room and with a separate bathroom with all the other amenities, but still.
Seriously, are we the only ones who feel a bit claustrophobic when looking at this picture? We could never go to the bathroom there, even if we had the biggest urge in the world! Couldn’t they make this room just a little wider?
55 Are You A Dwarf Or A Giant?

Usually, the biggest problem you face when you want to withdraw money is simply finding an ATM. Or remembering your card PIN, but that’s another story.
However, the problem here is quite different. It is simply difficult to access the ATM. At the very least, as the man sitting on the ground, it is possible to manage to access this ATM, but one placed as high as on the picture on the right? Unfortunately, we don’t carry a stepladder with us all the time! Just placing the ATM at normal height, has anyone thought of that?
56 Flying Car Garage

A large garage is important. Not only can you store your car—or even two!—but you can also store anything you don’t know where to put inside your house, whether it’s boxes of useless stuff that you still want to keep, or tools of all kinds.
However, as a general rule, it is also very important to be able to access this garage, especially if the purpose is to park your car there. But here, unless these owners are the first in the world to own flying cars, we don’t quite understand how this garage can be useful to them.
57 Stairway To The Yellow Wall

This staircase is really nice! With its brick steps and concrete railing, it looks chic and has a lot of character. The yellow wall on which this staircase leads directly is also very nice, but we would tend to find it a bit misplaced.
But why place a staircase that leads straight to a wall? Which one was built first? We deduce that it is the staircase, otherwise it would be simply absurd, but if the access has been condemned with a yellow wall, why not simply destroy the staircase that no longer leads anywhere?
58 Totally Safe Ramp

Nowadays, making any building accessible to the disabled is no longer an option, but a necessity. Indeed, it is only a matter of respect and equality to make any place accessible to a person in a wheelchair.
The owners of this building understood the importance of having a handicap access ramp, but they did not fully understand the importance of making it safe. A ramp is all well and good, but if every disabled person who accesses it risks their life, the goal is not really achieved. Seriously, have you seen the slope of this ramp? That is scary!
59 A Well-Reproduced Plan

Sometimes it’s enough to make you wonder how a person managed to get their degree. Or in fact, did they really get it? When you look at this staircase, there is sincerely reason to doubt it.
It would be easy to understand how such a construction fail could have occurred if the crew was actually a group of 4 year olds, but real construction workers should be able to read the plan well and understand that these two staircases should not be built on top of each other like that. The idea is to be able to access the top staircase by taking the bottom one!
60 Good Game!

What could be more exciting than buying tickets to a sports game, going to the game with family and friends, and eating overpriced hot dogs while enjoying a great game from our favorite team?
Well, some people don’t understand the value of going to a sports game and think that the experience stops at eating expensive hot dogs, because there is no way that anyone sitting in that section of the stadium can see anything on the field because of that wall built right in front of the seats.
61 Merging Bike Lane

Bike lanes are a good thing for everyone. Not only do they allow cyclists to ride safely, but they also prevent cyclists from interfering with motorists if they were to ride on the street, or pedestrians if they were to ride on the sidewalks.
In some cases, however, cyclists and pedestrians must inevitably share the road. However, in general, there should not be a metal barrier across the bike lane. How is a cyclist supposed to access the sidewalk? By flying over the barrier? They’ll be hovering instead!
62 Just Enough Space

The usefulness of this large square of concrete raised in front of the door does not come to mind at all. Honestly, why did they build this platform? Not only is it completely useless, but they had to create it while leaving a space in it to allow the door to open.
The whole thing seems like a huge waste of time and money. We hope they at least analyzed well which side the door opens from, because the space they left for it is very precise, and it could become problematic really fast!
63 Just Outside The Fence

Benches are always appreciated in parks, whether it is to take a break during a walk or to sit and contemplate the landscape. However, this bench does not seem to us to be the ideal place to rest.
First of all, why is there a fence? Maybe it separates a public place from a private one? That would make sense, but then why put a bench directly in front of it? A person sitting on it doesn’t even have room to put their legs between the bench and the fence! This bench is totally unusable.
64 Metal Plate

What happened here? This image inspires us many questions, but no matter how hard we think about it, we see absolutely no logical answer to any of these questions.
Why is there a kind of circle cut out in these stairs? And why is it filled with metal? We have seen stairs made of this kind of metal before, but never embedded in a circle in a concrete staircase. Is this all just to raise questions from passers-by? If so, it is very successful.
65 Where’s The Toilet Paper?

What could be more embarrassing than going to the bathroom and running out of toilet paper? When it’s in our own home, it’s one thing, but when we’re visiting someone? That’s horrible! But it’s not much better when there’s toilet paper left, but it’s just not easily accessible.
Honestly, who decided to put the toilet paper holder on the wall, IN the cabinet under the sink? How is a person supposed to get to it? If the cabinet was built afterwards, didn’t the idea come to them to move the toilet paper holder?
66 Something Looks Off

This photo makes us sick to look at. There is no other way to describe this photo. If they would have just moved that one black section, everything would just be peachy. With the right tools, it looks like someone can fix this eyesore themselves.
We seriously hope that someone has fixed this mistake since this photo was taken. If not, we’re sorry to whoever is walking around and notices this. It probably shocks people so much that they take a step back and gasp. We know we would.
67 Hand-Held Paper Dispensers

Paper towels always come in handy. You never know when you might spill something, right? And especially in the bathroom, there always seems to be a mess in there. But 5 paper towel dispensers seem to be a little bit much.
The least they could’ve done is line them up perfectly instead of just randomly throwing them on the wall. Plus, one of them is installed significantly higher than the rest of them. These people have to be really tall to be able to dry their hands.
68 Real Good Location

We hereby banish the person who did this. They should no longer be allowed to install any kind of park bench anywhere. It is disgraceful to all of humanity. No one will ever be able to sit comfortably on this bench without thinking about how it is placed.
You can’t even sit on the end that is slightly on the concrete without having at least one foot in the grass. What is the point of that? Which came first, the bench or the concrete? Either way, someone did something completely wrong.
69 Chaotic Sidewalk

This is just a disaster of epic proportions. Did they run out of bricks at the very end? It would have just looked better if they left it empty instead of doing whatever the heck this is. It’s just a mess. It is ugly. It looks like a child did it.
It makes you want to pick these bricks up and fix them yourself. It doesn’t look like they were securely placed there, anyway, so it would be fairly easy to just pick them up and move them yourself. Just don’t hurt yourself by bending over.
70 Water Hole

Who doesn’t dream of a pool to have fun and cool off on the hottest days? Well, this mom from Perth, Australia, wanted a beautiful pool in her backyard for her and her kids. So she called Decorative Concreting Solutions to build her new pool.
However, after paying $4,000 for a beautiful in-ground pool, she instead ended up with an absolutely horrible water hole in her backyard. This thing doesn’t even deserve the name “pool”. Needless to say, this woman was not at all happy with the result!
71 Do Not Touch The Hydrant!

Imagine it is a nice sunny day and you decide to go for a walk. Now, imagine you see this sidewalk while you are on your walk. You won’t even be able to enjoy yourself after seeing this monstrosity. Anyone who sees this will immediately have their day ruined.
It does seem like there might still be a way to salvage this sidewalk. We think that if you would just pour more concrete where the sidewalk drifts off, you could make it look at least a little better. If not, it’s just sharply cut off and is basically a hazard to society.
72 Well-Centered Chandelier

All anyone wants is to be able to feel comfortable in their own home. If this is your house, you will never be comfortable again. Ever. Your entire life will be consumed with the fact that your chandelier is nowhere near where it is supposed to be.
How did this happen? Did they install the chandelier after they vaulted this area of the ceiling? If so, someone needs to get their eyes checked. Because this chandelier is not even close to the center of the design as it is meant to be.
73 Very Bright Room

This is absolutely insane. It is crazy. What is the purpose? Does this person want to blind themself? Because that is definitely what it looks like to us. There is no other explanation. This person is insane and wants to go blind.
It would have been so much better for everyone if these light fixtures were at least installed in straight lines. Instead, they just threw lights randomly all over the top of the ceiling. Who thought that this was a good idea?
74 Glass Bathroom

Privacy is a necessary part of a bathroom. No one wants to go to the bathroom in plain sight. Except the owners of this residence, obviously. For them, sitting on the toilet is not at all an intimate and personal action since they have placed their toilet in a fully glass cubicle.
Well, the toilet and its glass cubicle seem to be in a bathroom, which is hopefully well hidden behind a real door and real walls, but then, why the glass cubicle? To try to hold back the bad smells and prevent them from spreading to the rest of the bathroom? That’s the only logical explanation we see.
75 Handle Problem

Someone didn’t think long before installing this door handle. There’s nothing easier than installing a handle when it’s round and not likely to extend beyond the width of the door, but for a handle like this, placing it on the right side is important.
But it looks like this apprentice builder didn’t do his homework and installed the handle facin the wrong side. If the handle went on the left side, this door would close just fine, but here, the handle is completely in the way!
76 Intimate Toilets

Would you be comfortable going to the toilet in this bathroom? If it’s a private stall, that’s one thing, but then you wonder why there’s one toilet and two urinals. One toilet would have been enough to serve anyone, male or female.
So clearly, this bathroom was built with the idea of accommodating more than one person at a time. We applaud the desire for privacy with the small wall between the two urinals, but seriously, the proximity of the toilet and urinals would make anyone highly uncomfortable.
77 Fancy Above-Ground Pool

Above-ground pools are probably the most common ones. After all, they cost much less than an in-ground pool and require much less work. You just mount it on top of the ground and you don’t have to dig too deep.
Here, however, it looks like someone wanted to go with a fancier than normal above-ground pool. The basic idea was probably good. It could be pretty and sophisticated if it weren’t for the broken brick floor and the base of the pool that looks like a big unpolished rock.
78 Dangerous Doors
Multi-story buildings are becoming more and more common around the world. After all, when you run out of space, it’s easier to build upwards! Of course, these buildings have windows on every floor, so that everyone has access to daylight.
However, here, these are not windows that can be seen at regular intervals on the walls of the building, but doors! But why? We strongly hope that these doors are closed from the inside and cannot be opened, otherwise it is much too dangerous!
79 No Entry

“Customs Area/No Entry”. Do you understand? Under no circumstances can you pass through these big blue doors. It is forbidden! Potentially they are even locked, to make sure that nobody decides to go through despite the restriction.
The irony here is that these doors are on a wall that does not join the two sides of the corridor. So it’s very easy to bypass the doors and get through anyway. But after all, if someone does that, it’s not trespassing, right? They wouldn’t have opened the doors…
80 Wrong Side

Phone booths are becoming more and more rare now that everyone has their own cell phone, but there are still some here and there for emergencies, when someone doesn’t have a cell phone or runs out of battery.
This phone booth is rather unusual, though. In fact, the phone is usually inside the cabin, not on the outside wall! Or would this cabin offer 2 phones? One inside and one outside? In any case, we have never seen this.
81 Outside Toilet

Definitely, for some people, privacy, intimacy and subtlety are totally unknown concepts. We’ve seen outdoor showers or baths, but they’re usually hidden by a curtain, or they’re in low-traffic, secluded areas.
Here, however, is a toilet installed on a balcony with absolutely nothing to camouflage it, and let’s be honest, this building looks like it’s located in the middle of the city. Does anyone actually use this toilet? Let’s hope not.
82 Forgot Something?

Someone seems to have forgotten something here. Didn’t anyone notice that metal shovel in the middle of the construction site when they were laying the asphalt? These workers were definitely looking forward to finishing their day.
But now, is that shovel doomed to stay there for life? Won’t it become a problem at some point? And doesn’t that sound dangerous? Couldn’t it puncture a car tire or something? But removing it from there would mean destroying part of the asphalt and starting over, so…
83 To Enter Or Not To Enter?

Nothing is more annoying than conflicting signs. The signs on this door say both “Enter Only” and “Do not enter”. So, can we enter through this door or not? Which of these signs is the right one? You can also read “Do not enter” on the inner doors, so is the “Do not enter” sign the right one?
But on the other hand, is there another door to this store that we can enter through? If so, we wouldn’t risk entering through this one, but if not, it’s not like we’d have a choice. It’s all very confusing!
84 A Room With A View

Rare are the people who enjoy going to the bathroom in full view of everyone. For some, it’s barely possible for their partner to be in the room if they are on the throne, so imagine strangers. If privacy is your thing, then don’t use this bathroom.
The poorly placed window on that bathroom door offers a clear and direct view of people doing their business. How does something like this even happen, and does anyone actually use that toilet? That is pretty weird.
85 Wacky Window

You don’t need to know much about construction to know that in such a building, all the windows are generally equal and well aligned. Right? So, we can’t help but wonder how this slanted window came about.
Was it poor craftsmanship or did they really mean to do this? Either way, we would never stay in that hotel. Anyone suffering from any kind of OCD can’t look at that window without feeling an immense sense of unease.
86 Odd Electrical Outlet

Someone posted this pic on social media of an electrical outlet they discovered in their hotel room. It is perfectly normal to find electrical outlets in a hotel room. It is even basic, nowadays, but something tells us this one isn’t up to code.
Who came up with this bright idea? Where does this wire come from? What does it connect? Is it connected to at least one item in this same room, or is it, for example, the visitors’ TV in the next room that is connected there? What a mystery!
87 One Job
The person who painted this stop sign on the concrete literally had one job. and it was to spell correctly a simple word of four letters, and then reproduce it on the ground. So, how does a mistake like this even happen?
They must have been drunk. Seriously, we see no other possible explanation for this error. That, or this person is more than tired of his job and doesn’t care anymore. It’s just too bad they didn’t “STPO” to double-check their work or to find another job before that happened.
88 Phallic Pool
There are several things to think about when building a pool. It’s location, how to access it, its depth… but its shape, too. The shape is important. Even more important than you might think! Also, many pools have a small separate section. Sometimes it’s to put a spa in, other times to have a less hollow place for the kids.
Here, however, the shape of this pool really should have been better thought out. When you swim in it, it doesn’t look too much, but in an aerial view like this? This pool is a bit explicit!
89 Most Dangerous Stairs

This person really wanted a rustic yet modern and clean look for their new waterfront cottage. The interior designer used their creativity to create this beautiful staircase leading to the second floor of the cottage, where the view is breathtaking!
We hope that the residents of this cottage will manage to go and admire this magnificent view, because when we look at the stairs, we have the impression that they are made to prevent anyone from reaching the second floor instead. How not to at least break a leg?
90 The Throne

Well, here is the ultimate toilet seat someone can have! You know you’ve made it in life when you have a toilet that looks exactly like a lazy boy. It’s a shame the seat isn’t padded too, though, that would have been even better!
Clearly, the person who decided to have such a toilet in their bathroom is suffering from serious bowel problems and often needs to stay seated there during a long period of time. Otherwise, clearly, no one needs to sit on the bowl long enough to justify such comfort.
91 Inground Bath

We are familiar with inground pools, but we have never seen an inground bath! At least, not like this one. Inground baths are usually much fancier, and most importantly, they are usually placed in the middle of a raised platform, and in a room that is much larger than this one.
Honestly, this inground bath is extremely dangerous! Who had the stupid idea to do this? Between getting out of the tub when the floor is wet and going from the toilet to the sink, the chances of getting hurt in this tiny bathroom are very high!
92 Facing The Wrong Way

We have rarely seen a narrower bathroom than this one! But in addition to being narrow, it seems that it is not at all ergonomic. Ideally, the toilet should be facing the farther wall, right? How can this toilet be used?
For a man, standing is fine, but as long as you have to sit on it, you have to be pretty flexible, because your legs don’t have much room before they hit the wall. And what about the toilet paper dispenser that doesn’t seem to be in very good shape…
93 Nice Molding

We love the moldings! They give a nice finishing touch to any home, and crown moldings in particular are not only beautiful, but they add an extra touch to a room, some richness, even a bit of luxury, don’t you think?
And the bigger the crown molding, the better, right? Except maybe when it comes to completely blocking the access to a wardrobe. This molding is so big that it’s impossible to open the door. We hope there is nothing too important in there!
94 That’s Commitment

It is understandable that someone would potentially want to do some minor renovations themselves at home. After all, renovations can quickly become very expensive! Doing them ourselves is usually economical.
However, when you have no idea what you’re doing and you’re unable to take good measurements, well, it looks something like this. We admire the commitment of this person, who finally managed to make the hole in the right place after several failed attempts.
95 Well Caught Up

Sometimes you need a little creativity to solve a problem. Of course, there are often better alternatives, but they are not necessarily easier to achieve, quite the contrary. The location of this clock is a good example.
Clearly, this clock has been on the wall for a long time, but now a metal rod runs right in front of it. Of course, ideally, the clock could have been moved, but it’s much simpler to just write the hidden hours on the rod that hides them, right?
96 That’s Bothering

We don’t know which company built this house, but one thing is certain, we would never want to do business with them! Seriously, what didn’t they understand? Do they employ children or something?
There is a square concave space in the upper part of the wall, clearly there to insert the door, but in a centered way! What is this door aligned to the right like that? It’s a mistake, an atrocity, and it’s bothering us a lot!
97 No More Baths

But what did they think of? Literally cutting a part of the side of the bath like this and putting some kind of walkways on it, really? The only logical explanation we can come up with is that an elderly person lives there and couldn’t get into the bath anymore.
However, this doesn’t seem to us to be the ideal solution to remedy the situation, and besides, it’s really ugly and not practical at all. From now on, it is impossible to take an actual bath in this bath, they can only take showers. Why not have a nice senior bath with a door installed instead?
98 Missing Sink

Someone seems to have forgotten something here. In this case, a hole in the counter and a sink. Unless you’re willing to create a considerable mess, only one person at a time can wash their hands in this public bathroom. Doesn’t sound very practical to us!
How could this happen? Who did the job wrong? The one who installs the sinks or the one who installs the faucets? And this faucet, is it functional? For the sake of the person who cleans this place, we hope not!
99 Ugly Convenience

No. Just no. Frankly, cutting the shape of your dryer into the closet doors for easy access is not only the height of laziness, but also of bad taste. That doesn’t look good at all. Or maybe the dryer was just too big and wouldn’t fit in otherwise?
Except this photo looks like it was taken in a house, so we find it hard to believe that these homeowners didn’t have a better place to put their washer and dryer. A laundry room, perhaps? That’s what it’s for. Or a basement? Anyway, it’s a big fail.
100 High Door

But what is that pink door doing a few feet off the ground? Doors are usually at ground level, right? If not, it’s harder to get in, and it can be dangerous to get out if you forget about the gap on the other side and you fall!
Are there supposed to be stairs under this door? Where does it lead to? To some kind of small storage room, maybe? In any case, this door is definitely too small and too high for our taste. It’s potentially to go with the too small and too high window on the left!
101 Other Dimension

We have too many questions that come to mind when we look at this picture. We have a hard time understanding what is going on. First of all, why is that door frame not properly installed, and that door cut all crooked? This was definitely not done by professionals. And the bite mark on the right side of the door? Who bites a door?
Maybe some strange creature living in this room whose perspective seems totally off? Clearly, such a strange door can only lead to another dimension where really strange things happen… We really can’t figure out how this room works!
102 Elevated Shower

Quickly, the first word that comes to mind when we look at this picture of an otherwise pretty bathroom is DANGER! Clearly, this bathroom is not very old; the floors, the wall, even the tiny bathtub that can only accommodate a child all seem rather recent.
The shower, too, seems recent. Clearly, before the renovations, this space contained a full-size tub with a shower, all together, but the owners decided to separate the tub and shower, and elevate the shower. They should have also put in a railing or something so that you don’t fall when placing a wet foot on the small step out of the shower!
103 Emergency Toilet

You can never have too many toilets in a house, especially if you have a very large house and a large family. Otherwise, what if someone hogs the only toilet in the house when you really need to go? What do you do when you really need to go and you are at one end of the house while the toilet is at the other?
Never take chances with sudden urges. That’s why the owners of this house decided to put a toilet directly on the landing, in the middle of the stairs. They’re the kind of people who hold back too long, anyway, so this way they have less of a walk to get to when they can’t take it anymore!
104 Useless Wall

Have you seen that little wall with a staircase that goes over it? We’ve never seen something like that before! What can it be used for? To prevent flooding, perhaps? Or to make sure a certain animal doesn’t leave the property? Or to keep in-laws who are too old to climb stairs from visiting? Haha!
Actually, this wall would really be used to prevent flooding. However, it’s hard to understand how it’s effective since if you look closely, the wall doesn’t even frame the entire yard, it stops shortly after the tree at the end of the lot! Let’s hope it helps, though, because otherwise it’s very ugly.
105 Time Saving Hack

Are you the type of person who always runs out of time in the morning, simply because you take too long to get up or because you have too many things to do? Well, thanks to this ingenious bathroom, you’ll never be late again because you’ll be able to accomplish two of the most time-consuming morning tasks at the same time!
Let’s be honest, it’s not eating your two pieces of toast that’s time consuming, or even getting dressed. It’s taking your shower and doing your morning poop. But if you’re able to do both at the same time, that’s a huge time saver! This bathroom set up is brilliant!
106 Something’s Missing

There is something very disturbing about this house at 225 of an unknown street. It has beautiful windows, a beautiful porch, but no door? Why is there no door? How do you get into this house if there is no door? Was there ever a door? Did someone forget to put it in during construction? We want explanations!
In fact, one young woman explained what’s going on with this house in a comment on Instagram. She wrote, “Lmao I USED TO LIVE HERE. College housing, our door was up a janky a** staircase in the back of the house.” Here you go. But that doesn’t make it any less strange!
107 Tricky Toilet

This can’t be true. This toilet can’t really be placed in this location in a house, it doesn’t make sense! Who thought this was a good idea? We don’t even know where to begin to argue that this is the worst idea ever.
First, why the hole between a wall and the stairs? Then why do these stairs seem rather precarious and dangerous? But most of all, why place a toilet in this strange place where there is barely room to stand before falling down? And that little removable landing, we don’t trust it at all. One thing is for sure, don’t use this toilet if you’ve had a drink!
108 Need For A Shelf

One wonders what came first. The faucet or the tablet? In any case, these people REALLY needed that shelf there, even though there’s absolutely nothing on it, because they preferred to put the tall faucet through it by drilling a hole in it rather than simply removing it.
But why keep this shelf? Wasn’t it possible to put another one somewhere else, if necessary? If not, why this particular faucet? There are so many models, they could easily have chosen a lower one that would have fit under the shelf. So many questions!
109 Large Gap
Walkways are often used to allow pedestrians or cyclists to easily and safely cross over a dangerous area, such as a highway. Crossing a highway on foot would be too risky! However, we would like to remind you that in general, a footbridge is there to provide a SAFE crossing!
Clearly, someone missed the memo here, because this footbridge is anything but safe. In fact, there doesn’t seem to be much underneath this walkway, so crossing on the ground below it seems even better than using it. Jumping from the top of the stairs to the footbridge doesn’t even seem like a possibility.
110 What Road?

Well, that’s what we call a very good urban plan! The person who planned this building definitely did a good job, no one has anything to complain about! And that’s a problem, because nobody actually said anything when this plan was proposed.
How could such a planning mistake be made? It’s impossible that no one realized that this building was going to be built right in the middle of this 4-lane road, cutting it in half! Come on! If it were up to us, more than one person would lose their job.
111 So Secure

The residents of this building wanted to minimize the risk of burglary by making the property more difficult to access, thereby making the environment safer. To do so, they decided to install a gate next to the stone wall facing the building. To enter, you need the gate code.
No, no one will ever think of simply entering the property through the flower bed just to the right of the gate. Honestly! There is a gate, so that’s the way to go. Crossing the flowerbed is not an option, even for the most ill-intentioned people!
112 Less Safe Bridge Ever
Far be it from us to be alarmist, but we are under the strong impression that this bridge could collapse at any moment. This precarious pile of concrete blocks that seems to support it does not put us at all in confidence.
Seriously, access to this bridge should be blocked, and it should simply be destroyed and replaced. It looks like it could collapse in a strong gust of wind, so imagine if a car or truck went over it! That’s not the way to repair a bridge, folks!
113 Good Measurements

Now that’s good work! We don’t know if it’s the sink that’s older or if it’s the faucet, but no matter which one of these two items was changed more recently, the person who went shopping should have taken better measurements.
We are not professionals, but we believe that the water from the faucet should flow INTO the sink, not in front of it. Right? But, you know, that’s just our opinion as people who know nothing about construction and renovations…
114 Corner’s Out

This baseball field located in Peru does not seem to be totally regulatory, in our opinion. Indeed, one of the corners is completely outside the area reserved for the field, delimited by a fence. Who allowed such a thing?
Was it the company that put up the fence that didn’t care about passing it through the field, or was it those who designed the field that simply miscalculated the space they would need? In either case, the result is a completely inaccessible corner of the field.
115 Misleading Staircase

These stairs are potentially the most disappointing stairs in history! You see this staircase from a distance, and you think, “Finally an escalator, I can effortlessly go up to the next floor!”. Except you can’t! This staircase is a decoy!
For some strange reason, this mall put escalator railings on each side of this staircase that doesn’t roll at all! Imagine all the people who were tricked by this staircase, putting their foot on the first step and waiting for the staircase to go up by itself…
116 Exit Door

Were you looking for the exit of this shopping center? Well, we have great news for you: we found it! Or not… We’re not sure about anything anymore. There is a neon sign above the door that says “Exit,” but we don’t know it’s an exit of what.
This supposedly exit door is on a wall that does not close any room since you just have to go around it to access the rest of the shopping mall. This door is therefore absolutely useless! Why is it even there? Break down this wall once and for all!
117 Dangerous Faucet

This installation can only cause problems, and potentially dangerous ones. First of all, why a faucet on the counter if there is no sink? It seems completely unnecessary from the start. And why an electrical outlet on the counter, like that, and not on the wall?
But ESPECIALLY! Why is the faucet right ABOVE the electrical outlet? Didn’t the person who installed these learn that water and electricity don’t mix? This is simply a disaster waiting to happen. Everyone beware!
118 Squeeze It!

We don’t know where these stairs lead to, but one thing is certain, the people who placed a wall there, eliminating the possibility of a landing, definitely wanted to limit access to that area. What could they be hiding up there?
Except for a child or a very small adult, no one can go from the bottom staircase to the top. If you want to have a chance to go up there, make sure you are not overweight, and tuck your stomach and butt in as much as you can!
119 Slide To Nowhere

The person who created this playground potentially did not like children. If they want to slide down this purple slide, we don’t know what will happen to them because there’s a hole that looks pretty deep in the ground right below.
But if you look closely at the picture, there seem to be other such holes in the playground. So, what is this? What are they for? Even if they are nice underpasses for kids or something, it still seems very accident-prone to us.
120 Useless Disabled Ramp

Having a disabled ramp to allow people with disabilities to access an area where the entrance is not at ground level is now the least we can do. It is a matter of respect and fairness. But you still need to make sure that the ramp is accessible.
The person who decided to build this brick staircase right in front of the access to the disabled ramp really has no respect for others and should certainly not practice his profession. What did he think of? In our opinion, he just didn’t think at all.
121 Through The Ceiling

We don’t know where this escalator leads, but one thing is for sure, you’ll have to go through the ceiling to get there! Clearly, some of the calculations were done incorrectly, making the ceiling almost touch the escalator railings.
People using this escalator need to be very alert, because if they are not, or if they’re not looking ahead, or rather, above them, they will clearly hit their head on the ceiling. This escalator is to be used in a sitting, crouching or lying down position only.
122 For Small People Only

Unless the man whose hand you see is a giant, or just a man with really huge hands, this sink is ridiculously small. If the picture is any indication, this man’s hand is almost bigger than the sink! It can’t be serious!
Is this sink in a children’s bathroom, maybe? Or in the house of a short person? Otherwise, it is very difficult to explain the existence of such a small sink. It’s impossible to wash your hands properly without making a mess!
123 Being Forward-Thinking

Okay, it’s not uncommon for someone to make a joke about men who apparently can’t aim well when they pee standing up, but in the end, it’s only some jokes. Most men don’t do a lot of damage when they pee.
This place decided to take no chances anyway and to minimize the risk of damage if a man should go pee in this urinal and aim badly. They decided to put a toilet right underneath the urinal. Maybe this toilet is in a bar? We could understand better the precautions.
124 Confused Door

We wonder how many people actually try to pull this door open, desperately looking for the handle, when it actually needs to be pushed. It seems like an IQ test or something. Sorry guys, but only really smart people can enter this building.
Seriously, all this seems very confusing to us. Is it just as confusing from the inside of the building, where you have to pull the door, but the sign says to push? If so, imagine how many people hit their face in the door thinking they had to push it open to get out!
125 Design Flaw

We really hope those railroad tracks are no longer in use and that no one would ever want to put them back in operation or the owner of this house is in for a big surprise. Only an avid railroad enthusiast would want to live there.
Or maybe they’re not too attached to that balcony. In any case, we would make sure at least 10 times that no train passes on this track anymore before settling on our balcony, and even then, we would still have a small fear.
126 Entry Shower

Nothing like walking into a room to discover a bathroom in the entryway. We can’t decide if this is some sort of official cleanroom or someone is very concerned about germs. We understand that germs can be harmful at some point, but still.
Either way, this is just a bizarre place to put a shower and toilet combo. It saves on space, we suppose. And surely, it can save time to wash ourselves while being on the toilet. Or does the shower serve as a homemade bidet? We’re onto something!
127 Crazy Stairs
There is so much to unpack in this photograph. Are these stairs or an obstacle course? Why is there a concrete slide in the middle of the whole thing? One look at these stairs makes us feel like we’re taking crazy pills.
Maybe it’s a modern urban artwork? Or maybe the person who built these steps was feeling funny that day and thought his construction would be a good talking point. If so, he was right, because after all, we are talking about it right here!
128 Bathtub Fail
We’ve heard of a room with a view, but generally, the view in question is not of stairs that anyone in the house can use at any time. This is simply ridiculous. We hope the owners don’t care about privacy while they take a bath.
Whoever wanted to build this bathroom really need to fire the person who designed the layout of this house because it’s just wrong on so many levels. Who wants to take a bath in full view of everyone? A bath is meant to be enjoyed alone, in private, period!
129 Close Enough

Perhaps the person who constructed this path forgot to wear their glasses that day? What other explanation could there be for such a massive failure? We can’t imagine that someone would design a sidewalk like this on purpose.
The only other explanation we would have is that two people started the construction of this path at each end, but unfortunately, neither of them thought to check if a pole was blocking the path in the middle. But hey, that’s close enough, isn’t it?
130 Fire Is No Big Deal

Safety is the most important thing there is, no matter the circumstances. When you think of stairs, you think of a handrail to stand on. But who says building also says necessary to extinguish a potential fire which could occur.
Here, people wanted to be too safe, obviously, and in the end, were not safe at all. Certainly, one can hold on by going down the stairs. If there is a fire, however, it is more problematic. We would tend to say, run, but hold on to the railing!