Genius Toothpaste Hacks Everyone Should Know
1 Erase Coffee Stains

Coffee-lovers often sip their favorite warm beverage from a beloved mug. You settle down with a cozy drink only to see a horrible sight. It’s disheartening to discover a nasty coffee stain on the rim of your cup. Don’t despair because this next toothpaste trick will have that mug sparkling in no time.
If your cup of coffee or tea has left an unsightly ring, then reach for your favorite non-gel toothpaste. It’s as simple as dabbing a bit on your fingertip and running it over the ring. Then rinse with warm water. Enjoy your next cup, stain-free.
2 Clean Your Sink

It’s fascinating to think about how versatile toothpaste can be. You can also use it as a household cleaner, and it’s a great option for cleaning your bathroom and kitchen sinks. You can clean the bowl or use it to shine chrome faucets in need of cleaning.
All that you have to do is put a dab of toothpaste on a damp rag and wipe the surface in a circular motion. Then clean it off with warm water. It will leave your sink and faucets looking spectacular. We like it because using toothpaste as a cleaner leaves everything smelling minty fresh.
3 Polish Your Jewelry

Did you know that you can use toothpaste to polish silver jewelry? If you have a tarnished ring or bracelet sitting in your jewelry box, don’t waste your money on having them professionally cleaned. We have a method that will have your silver pieces looking shiny again.
This classic DIY hack is as simple as it gets. Squeeze a bit of non-abrasive and non-gel toothpaste onto a toothbrush and scrub your jewelry in a circular motion. Leave the toothpaste on for five minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. It will bring your dull jewelry back to life.
4 Clean Rubber Soles

Bring dirty sneakers back to life with toothpaste. Don’t throw away those dirty shoes or spend cash on pricey cleaning products. It might surprise you to learn that you can clean rubber soles with toothpaste and get them white once again.
This hack works best on white-soled shoes. Grab a tube of non-gel toothpaste and an old toothbrush. Apply the paste onto the brush and rub it into any dingy spots on the soles. Allow the paste to sit for a bit, then use a damp rag to wipe it off. Your shoes will look brand new once again.
5 Waterproof Matches

People who love camping and being outdoors will want to write this next tip down. If you include matches in your gear for starting fires, then you know how important it is to keep those matches dry. It’s nearly impossible to start a fire with wet matches, so we have a way to make them waterproof.
Grab a tube of toothpaste and insert the tips of the matches into the tube. Allow them to dry before returning them back into their original container. This will coat them as the toothpaste creates a coating. Now you’ll be able to start a fire in all conditions.
6 Get Rid Of Pimples

Wake up with a huge pimple on your nose? Have no fear because this next hack will clear up your skin in no time. Dab some toothpaste onto your blemish and watch that zit shrink. This may sound too good to be true, but the folks at Healthline back up the myth.
They claim that a good deal of toothpaste brands have the ingredients to dry out pimples, like hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. The menthol in toothpaste “can create a tingly feeling that may temporarily reduce pain and swelling.” Use this tip sparingly, as toothpaste can be abrasive on the skin.
7 Fill Nail Holes On The Wall

Toothpaste can even come in handy for home repairs. We have a genius solution to filling in nail holes on a wall. Don’t waste time or money buying expensive spackle because the answer could already be in your medicine cabinet.
Use a tube of toothpaste instead of spackle to fill in nail holes that are no larger than ¼ inch. The trick is to use paste close to the color of your drywall. Dab a bit of the toothpaste into the hole, then float a spackle knife over it. Those tiny holes will disappear right before your eyes.
8 Defog Swim Masks

Swimmers know how important swim goggles and masks are at protecting their eyes. Rather, you’re swimming laps in a pool or going on a deep-sea dive, it’s crucial to be able to see underwater. We have a hack that will keep swim goggles and masks fog-free.
There are expensive solutions out there to keep masks from fogging, but you don’t have to spend a ton of cash because you can make your own anti-fog solution with toothpaste. Just squeeze a small dot onto your goggles, wipe it off and buff it with a towel or rag.
9 Remove Phone Scratches

There is no need to panic if you discover a crack on your cell phone screen. As long as there isn’t damage to the phone’s pixels, you can use a DIY toothpaste hack to buff out any scratches on your mobile device.
Wipe down your screen with a display cleaner to clear away dust. Apply a small dab of non-gel toothpaste onto a Q-Tip and rub it into the scratch in a circular motion. Be careful not to get any toothpaste under the screen. Wipe off any excess paste and it should fill your crack in or buff out any scratches.
10 Make Diamonds Sparkle

If your diamond seems to have lost its luster, you don’t have to take it to a jeweler for cleaning or spend money on an expensive at-home jewelry cleaner. Keep your rock looking pristine with toothpaste.
Place a pea-sized dab of toothpaste onto a toothbrush. Be careful to only apply the toothpaste to the diamond only so you don’t scratch your jewelry. Brush the stone and then dip into a bowl of warm water to clean off the access paste. Soak the ring in the bowl for a few minutes. Dry the ring off with a lint-free cloth and watch that diamond sparkle.
11 Save A Scratched DVD

Don’t let a scratched DVD or CD get you down. We have an amazing tip for repairing scratched discs, and all it takes is a tube of toothpaste. The best kind of toothpaste to buff out scratches are “whitening” or “tartar control” because they are more abrasive, which works most effectively.
Squeeze toothpaste onto a lint-free cloth and rub it directly onto the scratch. Just don’t push too hard as you could cause more damage than good. Rinse the disc with water, then wipe it dry. Your disc will look good as new.
12 Remove Permanent Marker

Believe it or not, toothpaste can remove a permanent marker stain. Don’t let a marker stain ruin your surfaces because this next hack is amazing at lifting unsightly marks. The only supplies you’ll need are a cup, warm water, a tube of gel toothpaste, a tube of normal toothpaste, and a towel.
Fill the cup with a small amount of water, squeeze the toothpaste (about the size of a quarter) into the cup. Mix the ingredients, put the mixture onto the stain, and rub it in with your finger. Wipe the toothpaste off with a towel and watch that stubborn stain disappear.
13 Soothe Mosquito Bites

If you have a mosquito bite that just won’t stop itching, then we have a hack that can reduce the itch. Toothpaste can come in handy for many home remedies, but it might shock you to learn that it can soothe a nasty mosquito bite. How amazing is that?
Cover the bite with a dot of non-gel toothpaste and just leave it on, allowing it to dry. The menthol in the paste will ease the itching and reduce any swelling. We love that this tip can help you save money. No more wasting cash on pricey lotions or creams.
14 Remove Water Stains

There is nothing worse than discovering water stains on wood. Maybe you forgot to use a coaster, but that doesn’t mean that it ruined your furniture. You can get rid of a water ring with non-gel toothpaste. Gently rub the surface with a dab of toothpaste on a soft cloth.
Wipe it off with a damp cloth and allow it to dry. Follow up with a swipe of furniture polish. You can also make a paste out of baking soda and whitening toothpaste if you come against a stubborn water stain. Either way, this hack will keep your furniture looking bright and stain-free.
15 Clean Hair Tools

Ladies who use heating tools to straighten or curl their hair know that appliances can get gunky. They often get a build-up of hair spray or other styling products. Don’t let gook keep you from using your curling or straightening iron. We have a toothpaste tip to get your appliance clean without damaging it.
Make sure to turn off your tool before getting started. Squeeze a dab of toothpaste onto a dry cloth and run it over the surface. This will remove the build-up. Finally, wipe the appliance with a damp towel and allow it to dry.
16 Whiten Your Fingernails

If you’re trying to save cash by giving yourself a manicure at home, then you’ll be happy to know that whitening toothpaste can clean your fingernails. Get rid of that yellowish tint by selecting a tube that includes baking soda.
First, remove any old nail polish, then put a layer of toothpaste on top and under your nails and allow it to sit for 15 minutes or so. Next, scrub your fingernails with a toothbrush under a stream of warm water. Your nails will look like you just had a professional manicure for a fraction of the cost.
17 Clean Your Iron

There is nothing sharper than a nicely pressed shirt. Ironing your clothes can give you a professional leg-up and make you appear responsible. Yet, it’s daunting to discover a stain on your iron. Scorch marks can make your appliance less efficient, so it’s crucial to keep it clean.
We have an unexpected tip that makes cleaning your iron a breeze. Try using toothpaste. The first step is to unplug your iron and empty the water tank. Then rub some toothpaste on the plate and wipe it away with a rag. Fill the water tank, place your iron over a towel, and allow it to steam.
18 Deodorize Baby Bottles

Parents of little ones know how difficult it can be to neutralize the smell of stale milk or formula in their child’s baby bottles. It seems like no matter how many times you attempt to wash it, that stinky odor seems to hang on. There is a simple way to have your bottles smelling fresh.
Deodorize your baby’s bottle with toothpaste. Squeeze a small amount of toothpaste into the bottle you wish to wash. Add warm water, give the bottle a shake, and rinse it out. The minty smell will eliminate that stubborn stench with little effort.
19 Polish Tarnished Silverware

Is your silverware drawer filled with tarnished knives and forks? Do you have silver platters that look dingy? If so, you’ll be excited to know that there is a trick to get them clean without using harsh chemicals. You guessed it, toothpaste can clean silver.
Take your favorite non-gel toothpaste and squeeze a small bit onto a paper towel. Rub the paste onto the surface in a circular motion. Allow the toothpaste to soak in for a few minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. Your tarnished silver will be shiny and clean. It’s as simple as that.
20 Clean Dirty Headlights

If your car’s headlights are looking grimy, then this next toothpaste trick will impress you. It’s a simple fix that doesn’t require any expensive materials. You will just need a tube of toothpaste, a towel or a rag, and water.
Squeeze the toothpaste over the entire headlight and wipe it with a towel. Then you rinse it with water and clean off any leftover toothpaste. Repeat these steps if necessary. You won’t believe how bright your car’s headlights will look after cleaning them with this genius hack. We like that it’s easy and won’t break the bank.
21 Remove Scratches On Stainless Appliances

It’s inevitable, at some point, some scratches will appear on your stainless steel appliances. Although this is normal, it is always a little annoying and disturbing. The good news is that there is a way to eliminate these unwanted scratches, and you already have what you need in your bathroom! In fact, a simple toothbrush and a little toothpaste will get rid of the scratches that have appeared on your stainless steel appliances.
All you have to do is apply a small amount of whitening toothpaste on an old toothbrush that you no longer use, then rub gently in circular motion, following the grain of the stainless, on the scratches to be removed. Then, clean the whole with a damp microfiber towel, and you’re done!