Funny Airport Moments You Need To See
1 Looking For Prince Harry

This girl had some aspirational goals for her trip to the airport. But who knows? Maybe Prince Harry could have walked by. After all, who wouldn’t want to meet the charming and charismatic Prince Harry?
However, we doubt he would have actually gone home with her, especially if Meghan Markle, the pretty Duchess of Sussex, was with him! Sorry, girl, the Prince is already taken, and we are convinced that he is faithful to his Duchess!
2 Your Sister Is Pregnant

Well, that’s one way among many to find out you are about to welcome a new baby to the family and become an uncle. We hope it’s just a prank, though, because it’s a very ordinary way to learn that your sister is expecting a child!
But now, all of the passengers on Matt’s flight know about his sister’s pregnancy too! Imagine how many congratulations he must have received from complete strangers at the airport! What a happy uncle-to-be he must be!
3 A Rough Drive Home

It was so kind of this woman to make a sign for her airport pick-up. Unfortunately, it sounds like this is going to be a really unpleasant ride home. Maybe the passenger should have asked someone else to get them.
With a bit of luck, this gassy woman makes flatulence with the smell of spring or lavender… We sincerely wish all the courage in the world to her passenger if it is not the case, anyway, because this ride will be pretty endless!
4 Welcome Home, Mom

This mom’s husband and children decided to arrive with an extra surprise for her when they picked her up at the airport. We imagine she was happy with the attention they got for her, potentially until she read the signs.
We can imagine she was quite embarrassed to see the huge sign suggesting she just got out of prison. We hope this woman has a good sense of humor; otherwise, perhaps she’ll hop back on the plane and head out on another vacation.
5 Airport Breakup

This girlfriend definitely have had enough of her partner’s selfie stick. We don’t exactly know the nature of her boyfriend’s relationship with his selfie stick, but it must be pretty serious for her to react like that.
Rather than having a private conversation, she decided to break up with him publicly at the airport. While we’re hoping it was all a joke, Simon will certainly be re-thinking about his attachment to his selfie stick.
6 Vader

This group of friends is definitely made up of hardcore Star Wars fans, and truly committed to the bit. The pals picking up their friend at the airport dressed up as stormtroopers, calmly waiting for their boss.
But that epic moment got even better when a man in a Darth Vader costume actually arrived. It must have been an entertaining moment for everyone else at the airport that day. Certainly, this whole situation was arranged in advance!
7 Sugar Daddy

This funny girlfriend with a good sense of humor decided to make things a little awkward when picking up her boyfriend from the airport. One wonders if the people around were amused or embarrassed when they saw this sign?
However, both she and her partner seem to really love the funny sign. Let’s hope she didn’t ask for his credit card as soon as they were done taking the picture, because it would make the whole situation even more awkward. But also even more fun!
8 Christmas Eve Pickup

If you ever have to pick someone up from the airport on Christmas Eve, you might as well make the moment as festive as possible. After all, what better time than the holiday season to spread joy and good cheer?
At least, that was this man’s thought. He really got into the Christmas spirit by donning a full Christmas suit for his holiday airport trip, and we salute his dedication! Christmas must be amazing when you spend it with him!
9 We Hate You

Of course, not every airport pick up will be happy and welcoming. Instead, some people are angry that they have to pick someone up, or maybe that this person is even coming back to town at all! Sometimes, there are those people that we would prefer never to see again…
One or the other is certainly the case for Jody, whose family told him he could hop on a plane and head right back to California. But what could Jody have done to them to make them so upset about his return?
10 Will You Marry Me?

This gay man will pick his friends up at the airport, but he’ll embarrass them in the process. His favorite way to make his friends blush is by proposing marriage to his straight pals in the middle of the airport.
But perhaps it is in fact real feelings repressed towards Tom and that he hopes that he declares his love in return by seeing this sign? Whatever the case, one thing is certain: this probably leads to a few awkward conversations with curious passersby.
11 I Have Your Imodium

In case you’re unaware of that information, because it’s pretty important in the context here, Imodium is a medicine made to treat diarrhea. Let’s just say it’s one of those medications that nobody likes to brag about taking!
Poor Sarah—there’s nothing worse than the entire airport thinking you’re dealing with severe stomach issues. She must have been very embarrassed when she saw this sign, and the passers-by must have felt sorry for her for having experienced a flight in such a condition!
12 He’s My Baby

This mom hadn’t seen her son in a few years, and she decided to go all out for their so long-awaited reunion. After all, we can imagine how much a mother must miss her son after so much time without seeing him!
Not only did she make her bright pink sign, but she also forced her son to walk beside her all the way through the airport. Could this embarrassing reunion be the reason the son stayed away so long in the first place?
13 Welcome Home Mommy

It seems that some dad manage to do a great job at keeping up with the laundry while the mother of his child was away. Or these children have very little underwear, this is also a possibility, after all, who knows?
Anyway, while we’re hoping the sign is simply a joke and that these children were indeed wearing clean underwear when they picked up their mother at the airport, we honestly can’t be too sure about that information.
14 Roommate Pick Up

These really thoughtful roommates decided to take the job of picking their friend up from the airport very seriously. Miss Wilson must potentially be a very important woman to deserve such a treatment from her friends!
Professional attire and a serious demeanor were a must for this unusual airport pick up, though we’re sure the facade was shattered quickly when their roommate arrived and undoubtedly broke out into laughter.
15 I Get My Daddy Back

This little girl was obviously really excited to welcome her dad back from the deployment, and we can imagine why! Knowing that your daddy is far away, at this age, must be pretty hard sometimes. She must miss him a lot!
So, with the help of her mom, she put together the sweetest sign ever to welcome her father back home. We bet there were more than a few tears shed at this reunion. We bet that the people around did not remain indifferent either!
16 Say Anything

This romantic man decided he couldn’t just pick up his love from the airport. After all, that would be far too ordinary! Instead, he decided to make a reference to the popular 80s movie Say Anything with this sign.
While he definitely looks nothing like John Cusack’s Lloyd Dobler and that, sadly, the boombox can’t play the song “In Your Eyes” by Peter Gabriel, it’s still a rather romantic airport pickup. His girlfriend must have been charmed!
17 Makes Sense

To be fair, this child had the best intentions ever. It is so cute that she wanted to write this sign! However, it’s obvious that her writing skills are not up to the challenge of creating an airport pickup sign just yet.
If you look closely, you can just make out “welcome” at the top of the sign. Other than that, it’s complete gibberish. But at least this kiddo gets points for trying. We only hope that the long awaited person at the airport did not need this sign to know who to reach!
18 Save Me From The In-Laws

This bride-to-be obviously wanted to set the tone for her relationship with her in-laws right from the beginning. Of course, we can assume that she’s just joking. They potentially all have a good sense of humor and found this sign very funny!
But at the same time, this sign is sure to be relatable for other travelers struggling to get along with their in-laws. Unfortunately, not everyone gets along well with their in-laws, and that’s a shame. Imagine the struggle!
19 They Are Lying

This dad wanted to band together with his three kids to give their mom an extra-special welcome home. After all, a mom’s return from a trip is definitely a highly anticipated moment for all the family members!
Still, we can’t know for sure who’s really telling the truth. The father of the kids? But we’ll assume the kids really are lying and there’s no girlfriend or lack of food waiting for this mom when she gets off the plane.
20 Michael Jordan

This man decided to create quite a stir at the airport by holding up this sign. Unfortunately, it was all just a cruel joke. Sorry to all the airport travelers who thought they would run into the famous Michael Jordan and were disappointed.
This dad was just picking up his son at the airport, no celebrities whatsoever. Sadly, he got other airport travelers’ hopes up for no reason. Absolutely no sign of the basketball player around, which the man probably does not even know a little.
21 Congrats On Your New Bride

This daughter picked up her mom and dad at the airport with an absolutely hilarious sign. However, for anyone watching, it looks like she picked up her dad and his new mail-order bride instead of her real mother.
We can bet her parents were high-tailing it to the car after seeing this embarrassing sign. Unless they have an incredible sense of humor and have completely bought into their daughter’s joke. In this case, it was potentially the airport travelers who were embarrassed!
22 Wanted

When these family members made their way home for Christmas, we bet they didn’t imagine they would be greeted with embarrassing pictures of themselves. Who would be so cruel as to do that? Well, their parents, it seems.
Still, this sweet sign shows their family was obviously excited to welcome them home for the holidays. It is always a pleasant moment to see our loved ones in such circumstances, even if we are not particularly pleased with the welcoming.
23 Better Be The Last Time

Apparently, this couple spent quite a lot of time apart, and the girlfriend was definitely over it. After all, we can understand her, because it’s not always easy to spend a lot of time away from the love of your life.
So, while she happily picked him up from the airport, because, nevertheless, she could not wait to see her lover again, she also let him know that it better be the last time she would do it. In other words, no more time apart.
24 Hot Italian Chick

When this wife went away on a business trip, she asked her husband to pick her up from the airport upon her return home. Nothing more normal, after all; it speeds up the reunion, and it costs much less than a cab!
Unfortunately, her funny husband used the opportunity to embarrass her in front of her boss and coworkers by greeting her with this sign. Hey, at least he thinks she’s hot, right? And he even forced himself to wear a suit for the occasion!
25 Out of Cereal

While his parents were away, this son regressed into his childhood self. While he managed to pick them up from the airport, he did so in footy pajamas while announcing they were out of cereal. It seems these parents will never be empty nesters.
Or maybe it’s all a joke, and the man doesn’t even live with at his parents house anymore? If that is the case, it would all be really strange. But more or less strange than the other scenario, however, it’s hard to decide.
26 Don’t Worry, Daddy

With the help of his mom, this little guy named Kaden decided to make a sign for his dad’s homecoming. After all, he was so excited to be reunited with his daddy that he had to welcome him back in a big way!
By the sound of it, this wife really struggled without her husband and little Kaden can’t take it anymore. Her husband may be happy to be home, now, but he has a fair warning that there’s a lot of work ahead of him.
27 This Guy

Friendship is a very strong feeling, and when you haven’t seen your friends for a long time, it’s normal to miss them a lot. So, this man used a clever approach when picking his friends up from the airport. After all, why say it when you can write it?
This guy was SO excited to welcome his friends, he absolutely had to let them know how much. Plus, embarrassing as the sign may be, his friends should be thankful that he’s that glad they’re home. Now that’s bromance!
28 I Am Your Father

This dad’s daughter flew by herself for the very first time, and this is how he picked her up at the airport. There’s nothing like taking on your first solo flight, only to be embarrassed as soon as you arrive at the airport.
Still, this dad should win an award for his clever joke. He is definitely a fan of the Star Wars saga, but is his daughter too? We hope so, otherwise she would have one more reason to be totally embarrassed by her father!
29 Welcome Home From Rehab

This friend had only one goal in mind when he was picking up his pal from the airport, and it was definitely to embarrass him as much as possible. One cannot imagine any other logical reason for this funny sign.
Well, it seems the sign did its job. Although the friend didn’t actually get out of rehab, his face must have gone a little red when he had to walk up to the man holding this sign, especially when you see the faces of all the airport travelers around!
30 Noisy Lady

If you want to know what your friends really think of you, ask them to pick you up from the airport when you return from your trip, and wait to see what kind of sign they will create to welcome you. You might be surprised!
But you have to be prepared to know the truth. In this case, this friend was brutally honest in her description of her pal. Maybe too honest, in fact. If we saw “noisy, pale faced lady” on a sign, we’d probably run the other way.
31 Who’s Brad?

Just like the first man on the left in the picture, we don’t know who this famous Brad is, but we know at least one thing, and it is that he is probably regretting asking his friends to pick him up from the airport.
Not only did they bring five different signs, but they also made sure each one was incredibly embarrassing for him. This will definitely be the last airport pickup Brad requests for a while to these particular friends.
32 Congrats On Your Parole

We’re going to assume that Brian is not, in fact, a murderer. Instead, he’s likely the victim of a friend who wanted to embarrass him at the airport. In that case, job well done to the creator of this cringe-worthy sign.
But in fact, maybe Brian simply loves the TV series How To Get Away With Murder? very, very much, and that his friend simply wanted to make a joke in reference to that. In this case, we must admit that the sign is really funny!
33 College Fund

These kids are wasting no time in making big demands of their grandparents for Christmas. Sure, it’s great that grandpa and grandma flew in for the holidays, but what can they offer to their greedy grandkids?
Let’s hope one of these children—especially Tanner, apparently—doesn’t actually take six years to finish college. Otherwise, grandpa and grandma will definitely have to start saving right now. Studies are not cheap, after all!
34 A Real Big Dill

A sign to welcome someone at the airport is one thing, but dressing up in an embarrassing outfit really takes an airport pickup to the next level. This woman is really not afraid of ridicule, you have to give her that!
Not only is this pun pure gold, but the outfit really drives the point home: Trevor is a big dill. At the end of the day, this can be seen as a compliment, right? So it may make up a little for the embarrassment Trevor experienced.
35 Where Are Our Gifts?

If you’re going to pick someone up from the airport, it only follows that you should expect something in return. Especially if the person who went on the trip really loves you, it’s the least they can do to bring you back a souvenir!
Well, these people didn’t waste any time in demanding their exotic payment. Why bother saying hello when you can immediately ask the tired traveler what they brought you? The wait is so unbearable, it would be torture to wait for the return home!
36 We Don’t Like You

This cute little one doesn’t seem capable of the harsh sentiment expressed in this sign. Seriously, look at this small, cute face. How could he really mean what is written on the sign he is holding? According to us, he can’t even read yet!
But still, the sign is very clear. The traveler who gets off the plane might want to hop back on another one—the kid doesn’t want them around! Or perhaps the person who made the sign is trying to send a message to the traveler? Difficult return to reality, in any case!
37 I’m Your Baby

Well, this is one way among many others to learn that you’re now a parent, but we have to admit that covering Carly Rae Jepsen’s song “Call Me Maybe” by modifying the lyrics a bit to break the news is really funny and original!
When this partner picked up her husband at the airport, she took the opportunity to introduce him to their new baby. Thankfully, little Harper is adorable as can be, so the father probably loved her as soon as he saw her!
38 Orphans Seeking Parents
When these grown-ups decided to pick their parents up from the airport, they could not do it in a normal and discreet way. It was also out of the question to welcome them with just a normal sign. Don’t even think about that!
Instead, they declared themselves sassy orphans and donned forlorn looks while waiting for their parents to arrive. Let’s only hope they found the loving parents they were looking for. Otherwise, it would be a pretty sad story.
39 The House Is A Mess

While this daughter happily welcomed her mother home at the airport, mumsy’s husband had to let her know right away that things weren’t going that well at the house. At least he’s setting accurate expectations.
But sincerely, what is it with husbands not being able to take care of things while their wives are away? Aren’t they adults capable of taking care of things like, well, a normal adult? Come on, husbands, let’s make a little effort, would you?
40 Dogs Ate The Couch

This husband was in for a pretty rude awakening when he returned home from his trip. While he was certainly happy that his wife missed him, he was probably less happy that the dogs ate the couch in his absence.
Of course, a couch is only a material good, and if the dog didn’t get sick from his little unhealthy snack, everything is fine. But it’s always a bit annoying to have something broken, even though the dog has certainly made its most pitiful eyes at its master after that!
41 You Somehow Survived

While these lovers seem fairly happy to see each other, the sign the man’s holding suggests otherwise. “You somehow survived” certainly doesn’t instill a lot of confidence that this boyfriend actually missed his partner.
Is there a suspicious story behind all this? Does the man know things that his girlfriend does not? And that we do not know either? Or are we being a little too paranoid about this whole funny sign story? Who knows?
42 Oh, Hey

These wives all gathered at the airport to pick up the husbands they missed so much after their deployment. Two of the wives seem to have thought long and hard about their sign, but it seems one of them forgot to make a sign.
When she saw how nice her friends’ signs looked, she realized she at least had to do something. Still, “oh hey” doesn’t quite capture the excitement she must feel at having her partner back home. That is a big fail!
43 Welcome Home Grandma

These kids—probably encouraged by their parents—decided to use the classic “welcome home from rehab” sign for their airport pick up. But to make the sign even funnier, they applied it to their grandmother’s return.
What’s more, they also included “17 days sober” and “you did your best” on their poster. This is great encouragement for this woman who seems to have some difficulties in life! Let’s hope grandma thought the sign was funny and not offensive.
44 Behind On Your Chores

Coming home from vacation and returning to real life is always hard. We quickly get the taste to leave our daily obligations behind us to enjoy only the best moments that life has to offer when we are away from home!
However, it’s especially difficult when you step off the plane to greet your family, only to be reminded that there’s plenty of work waiting for you at home. Poor Liana. How much do you bet that for two seconds she seriously thought about getting back on the plane?
45 National Margarita Day

This man was not about to let National Margarita Day pass without a celebration. What a shame it would be! Seriously. NOTHING in the world could thwart this old man’s plans for one of the most important day of the year.
Since he had to pick up his wife from the airport on that exact same day, though, he simply decided to take the celebration with him. Let’s hope he was feeling generous and shared those margaritas with all the other weary passengers.
46 Ashley Has A Golden Ticket

These girls really committed to a theme while picking up their friend at the airport. Why simply hold a sign when you can totally embarrass your pal further by dressing up as a nice and funny Oompa-Loompa?
It goes without saying that these young women are probably big fans of the excellent movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! After all, they are exactly the right age to have seen this movie in their teens!
47 That Kid

Ugh, this poor mother. How many times a day does she have to hear that word coming from her child’s mouth? “Mom! Mom!” This must be SO annoying. Apparently, this child had gone on a trip, finally giving his mother a break!
But as all good things come to an end, unfortunately, this mom has to pick up her own child from the airport and take care of him again. How can kids be so needy? Being autonomous is the least we can do when we are human, right?
48 On The Naughty List

Not everyone is always good during the year, and obviously, that year, Courtney Payne gave her father a run for his money. So, this dad wanted his daughter to know exactly how he felt about her when he picked her up from the airport.
After all, despite all the hard times, he still agreed to come and welcome her! But apparently, she should only expect coal in her stocking for Christmas this year. Hopefully, the message got through and Courtney will be wiser next year!
49 Congrats On Your Parole!

The real genius of this sign lies in the professional way it was put together. Clearly, this sign is not just a simple DIY job done quickly on a corner of the table. Seriously, it must have required quite the effort to have the sign professionally printed.
And of course, it is not only that the sign is impressive; the joke about the sheep is pretty funny too! Sean will have to be sure he stays far away from farm animals while he’s home, otherwise, he may not be able to stay there very long.
50 Too Much Information

Many people create really hilarious signs when it comes to greeting their loved ones at the airport, but sometimes, some people include a little too much information on theirs. This one is a good example of that.
This sign offers just a little bit too much information about this passenger. The text is funny, but the little drawing in the upper right corner seems to us a little detailed to be shown so in broad daylight. Still, the person picking them up was nice enough to make a sign… Even if it was embarrassing.
51 Just Kidding

This woman isn’t really holding up a sign for her lover. She’s actually picking up her husband from the airport. She thought it would be a good joke to play on him and admitted that the stares she got were quite funny. I’m not sure if her husband found it funny, though. He probably did get a good laugh from it.
When commenting about the sign on Instagram, she wrote, “It was either this or congratulations on your sex change!” I’m willing to bet her husband definitely would not have been amused by that one and is probably glad she went with the first one instead.
52 Welcome Home

A woman who goes by the name Tara Lynn Lacoursiere posted the above picture on Instagram and commented that they were picking up her boyfriend’s brother from the airport. Needless to say, the post generated a lot of laughs. I’m sure the sign did, too, in addition to a lot of strange stares.
The brother was amused as well. You can see it in a video Tara posted on Instagram. The brother spotted the sign while walking down the stairs, and he immediately began smiling and clapping his hands. Hmm, I wonder if that was because he was already planning his payback!
53 I Know What You Did Last Night

This Australian man got the idea to humiliate his girlfriend at the airport. According to an article published by Daily Star, a visitor passing through the airport saw this sign and decided to share it on Twitter with the caption “At Melbourne airport today. He was waiting to greet his cheating partner… I AM DECEASED.”
The tweet went viral, garnering 76,000 likes at the time. Some commenters said the man was a “genius.” Another user commented: “I love it. Her loss!” Another user wrote: “Karma.”
So, what do you guys think? Was it just a joke? He looks kinda serious in that photo, though. Perhaps maintaining a serious look was all a part of the gag.
54 Jimmy, You Are The Father!

Where’s Maury Povich when you need him?
But, seriously, it’s unclear who Jimmy is and if he is indeed dodging his responsibilities. I doubt it, though. Judging from the huge smiles on those women’s faces, this is likely nothing more than a prank.
Still, Ryan S. Clark, National NHL and Seattle Kraken reporter for The Athletic, decided to post this image on Twitter using the caption “Live from the Denver Airport.” To which a fella with the handle @jimmymazza replied, “I swear it’s not mine.”
Could this be the same Jimmy? Nah. It’s probably just some random guy getting in on the fun.
55 The Comedian

Okay, so this guy is there to pick up his brother-in-law, who happens to be in the Air Force. He’s coming home for the birth of his child. But instead of holding up a sign that reads “Welcome home, soon-to-be dad” or “Welcome home, proud papa,” or something along those lines, this guy decides to let his inner comedian come out and hold up the above sign instead.
I’m sure he wouldn’t have found it funny in the least if a bunch of random guys had just started walking up to him, telling him that they were the ones who knocked up his sister.
56 Welcome To Florida

Let me guess. Right now you’re saying to yourself, “There’s nothing wrong with this sign. It’s just some guy and his kids welcoming an out-of-towner to Florida.” Well, if that were the case, then, yes, there’d be absolutely nothing wrong with this sign. But the truth of the matter is they’re not even in Florida. The gag is that this fella and the two lads with him are actually at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport!
It seems that perhaps they’re trying to catch some unsuspecting jet-lagged traveler off guard. I can’t lie, though. That would be the ultimate practical joke. Hopefully, the unsuspecting traveler won’t get too confused and try to catch another flight to get to the “right” destination.
57 What The?!

What in the hillbilly, backwoods, kissin’ cousins is going on here? Thankfully, it’s not what you think. No, this woman doesn’t really want to marry her cousin. She’s actually holding this sign for her husband—and, no, he’s definitely not her cousin.
She’s actually one half of an Aussie couple who has gone viral for their hilarious airport sign pranks. “We make these airport signs as a way to embarrass each other. The rule is, whoever makes the other the most embarrassed wins,” Robyn Thomas (the lady in the photo) told Be. “So it is not just for laughs, but it’s an actual competition.”
58 Straight To The Point

This sign is hilarious to me because it’s so blunt and gets straight to the point. The only problem is that you can’t see who’s behind the sign. Perhaps the person she’s there for will automatically know it’s her.
But then there’s another problem that arises. She can’t see who’s getting in the car. What if some stranger sees it and thinks it’s for them? Talk about an awkward moment. Or, what if it’s a crazy person who knows it’s not for them but gets in the car anyway and lies and says they thought the sign was for them? Now, that would be totally scary.
59 Looking For Edward-o

Edward Cullen, the charmer of the ladies! It’s true that we can see a resemblance between the famous vampire and Edwardo, even if the latter is definitely less pale, seems less moody and probably does not sparkle…
Unless he is also a real-life vampire, he is probably not a pain in the neck either! Maybe he is sometimes a pain in the a.., but looking at his cheerful face, it’s hard to believe. Would you be more Team Edward or Team Edwardo?
60 Oh, The Irony

Lots of people love playing practical jokes on their loved ones waiting to be picked up from the airport. And, if I were to assume, my guess would be that this lady is most likely playing a joke on her brother. This just seems like the kind of thing brothers and sisters do to each other, but all in good fun. Of course, I could be wrong.
The ironic part is that she’s calling the person she’s picking up an idiot, when she’s the one who wasn’t smart enough to make sure she was holding the sign the right way. Talk about embarrassing!
I’m sure she got a lot of laughs that day, but not for the reason she was hoping.