BE better at Food

March 1, 2019
Healthy dinner ideas or how to end the day on a good meal
After breakfast and lunch, you are ready to take your nutritious revolution all the way to the last...

February 28, 2019
How to start eating healthy and have good lifestyle habits?
Healthy eating is not only good for losing weight, but also for regulating your mood, meeting...

February 26, 2019
Dessert hummus: Like brownie batter, only healthier
Hummus is a wonderful snack, dip and condiment. Tangy and salty, its creamy texture is perfect...

February 26, 2019
The benefits of kale or why these greens are queen
Steam it, sauté it, bake it, add it to every recipe, kale is good for you. But by now, you...

February 24, 2019
Organic wine: 3 essential things to know about this alcoholic beverage
We see more and more organic wine in grocery stores, but also in wine bars. It must be said that...

February 23, 2019
Vegetarian vs vegan: what’s the difference
You hear the “V” word thrown around left and right and you know that it has something to do...

February 21, 2019
The vegan cheese brand bible
Vegan cheese has come a long way. There was a time when wannabe cheese concoctions could hardly be...

February 14, 2019
The web’s best vegan pancakes recipe
Thought eggs and milk were fundamental to thick fluffy pancakes worthy of Sunday brunch? Think...

February 12, 2019
What is vegan cheese made of and how to make it
Want to spare the cows and/or your stomach by going dairy-free, but your love for aged cheddar,...

February 11, 2019
10 All You Can Eat restaurants in the U.S. to satisfy your hunger
Many people prefer buffets and All You Can Eat restaurants than regular restaurants. There's...

February 10, 2019
11 coffee recipes to feed your addiction in a whole new way
Rumour has it that coffee has the potential to reduce oxidative damage affecting white blood cells....

February 9, 2019
How many carbs: the ultimate guide to starting a keto diet
The ketogenic diet seems to have taken over the internet. Suddenly, no one is scared of fat...

February 8, 2019
Keto diet: list of foods to keep in the house at all times
Yes, the ketogenic diet is restrictive. The first week is bound to be difficult: no bread, no...

February 2, 2019
The best hot beverages to keep warm!
Hot beverages are always delicious and comforting, but they are all the more appreciated on cold...

January 24, 2019
10 London pubs where you can enjoy a real English beer
London, England's capital, is known for its attractions (Big Ben, London Eye), architecture,...

January 11, 2019
Diabetes and dessert: 10 recipes to treat yourself
Suffering from diabetes means observing a strict diet for the sake of health. For most people, it...

January 9, 2019
Rose water benefits: From soothing skin to flavourful dessert
Favoured by the queen of Egypt Cleopatra more than two thousand years ago, rose water is still...

January 1, 2019
Alcohol and weight loss: the best drinks to party on a diet
There is always a good reason to party. And weight loss should not hold you back when all you want...

December 27, 2018
Keto breakfast: 17 low carb recipe ideas to break your fast
Once you cut out all heavy carb foods from your life, what used to be the simplest meal of the day...

December 18, 2018
The best dairy-free ice cream brands are not just for vegans
Half the population's stomach pain now has a name: casein and lactose intolerance. This sad truth...

December 12, 2018
10 pasta sauce recipes to add some variety to your suppers
Leave jarred sauces where they belong: in the pantry or better yet, at the grocery store. From...